On the mound with my top 15 pitchers that I have seen.
My next top ten is devoted to those athletes who hurl a ball 60 feet , 6 inches towards a batter who plans to hit said ball safely. Now I only include pitchers that I saw pitch, so no Christy Matheson, no Walter Johnson, and certainly no Cy Young, Whitey Ford, and no Don Larsen. I would like to stray a little and make it my top 15, just because I do not want toleave certain pitchers off this list. Coming in at #15 is Juan Marichal, of the San Fransisco Giants. Marichal's delivery was renowned for one of the fullest windups in modern baseball, with a high kick of his left leg that went nearly vertical (even more so than Warren Spahn's delivery. Marichal maintained this delivery his entire career, and photographs taken near his retirement show the vertical kick only diminished. The windup was the key to his delivery in that he was consistently able to conceal the type of pitch until it was on its way. Marichal was discovered by Ramfis Trujillo. Ramfis was the primary ...